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Thursday, January 01, 2009


Welcome to my new blog! This is the requisite, awkward, "first post" that plagues all blogs. What should I say? What should I *not* say?

Why am I here?

Although I consider myself good at many things (painting, sculpting, writing, graphic design, web page design, etc.), I believe the only thing I have truly been "great" at is teaching. I feel at home in the classroom. I feel like I am fulfilling my purpose when I work with kids -- like the things I went through in my childhood happened for a reason. I believe I should be teaching and I regret ever walking out of the classroom.

But after a [not so] brief hiatus, I am ready to reenter a position where I can truly make a difference. I hope to make a difference not just in the kids, but in my fellow teachers and in the school where I work. I hope I can achieve that in my new position at Terrace Middle School in Lakeport, California. I am proud to be a part of TMS and I hope to make my principal proud for hiring me.


Robert Griffith

My Proudest Moments

I can honestly say that [short of the birth of my children] being presented with the Ukiah High School Distinguished Educator "Gold Apple" and the MESA Educator of the Year plaque were the proudest moments of my life. Five years later, and I am still touched and honored.